
Friday, June 12, 2009



  1. My thoughts = this is completely ridiculous, now. Before watchign the video,t hey make it sound like she's absolutely outright ignoring her daughter's thirst and acting as if she doesn't care.

    That's not it at ALL!! In watchign the video, you see her concern over all the children as they sit there, and after she puts her water down, she tells them "Hopefully after this one they can get some drinks in for you guys." She even then REACHES down to hand get her water and after not being able to reach it THEN asks them ALL to be quiet, not just her daughter (whom is whining, by the way).

    Are we LOOKING for a reason not to like Kate, now? THis makes me question every negative take that I've heard or read about on her, now. Like I said - the way they "sold" the video and then how it actually played out were TOTALLY different.

    This is RIDICULOUS!! Talk about a misleading video summary...

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I agree with Sarah. I'm not looking for reasons to dislike someone I don't even know. And besides, for all we know she probably made them all potty and get a drink at the water fountain and whatnot before they sat down and the eldest probably refused or something like that. I dunno. Nor does anyone else.

  3. I agree with Sarah..........Ben there done that at least one time or another I am sure! She is not a horrible Mother......Let them who is without 8 kids, cast the first stone right???


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