
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Good Lordy...

April writing...

I came to blog like 45 times did I NEVER do sad. I even have a draft saved. Hmmm, I wonder if I finish it...if it will post as yesterdays date or today's?

Well...if you see a post from yesterday, then just disregard my little personal conversation above...and note that apparently it worked :)

Last night...Husby got to speak in front of the Youth for the first time ever. I think that he did a fantastic job. He used the Rob Bell video, "Rich" as the base for his thoughts. It basically speaks of the realization that we are rich because of what God has blessed us with in life. I can let him expound on it...when he blogs about it. (Which I am sure he will...right babe!?)

We had about 23 was a low attendance night...partially because 10 of our students are in Puerto Rico on their missions trip. (You can read more about their adventures here.) And we also were missing 4 leaders...gesh! That coupled with the fact that it's summertime and there are vacations and trips and pools...ha! Well, it was just a slow night. But we did have a good time. We played Little Bike stuff...Coordination Clap. Let's just say, for those of us who used to play it in the old days with PC (my dad) at LIFE rallies...this kids were horrible. I think the very first round I got them all out...and I was going SLOW too. ha!

Anywho...figured I would update you....adios for now.

oh p.s. I am thankful for those who have commented this week...even though I begged for them :) heehee. I also realize that we haven't Monday Moaned, Top Five Tuesday'ed, Wordless Wednesday'ed or Simple Pleasure Thursday'ed in a while...well...I don't' have a good reason, it just is what it is. Maybe they will be back soon...maybe not :P


  1. Coolio - ar eyou talking about Rob Bell's Nooma videos? Love 'em!

  2. Yep, those very vids. I love them too!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)