
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I got baby snuggles...

April writing...

Sorry I came to blog empty handed...that is with NO pictures...but I still got to see Mr. Cole Thomas this morning! He was such a cute snuggly little guy. Manda did a great job and I am so proud of her...Tom looked like a beaming proud papa. I am so happy for the both of them!

Holding him made me REALLY ready for our own little one! In fact I may have gotten into the car and told Cory, "I want one." haha! And on that note, it looks like Cory and I will be starting IVF soon...I am REALLY excited...nervous...and I just have an overall sense of readiness. Especially given all the babies about to pop out! :)

I will keep you updated as much as I can. We are going to try and keep this process a little on the personal side, as to keep a potential + a surprise to family and friends. So prayers are greatly appreciated.

Congrats to Manda and Tom and good luck to future parents Dave and Goldie and Brandy and Dan who will have their little ones VERY soon! :)


  1. Oh fun fun... but I'm thoroughly disappointed in the lack of pictures. *sigh

    SOME of us can't get onto facebook, etc from WORK!

  2. I am totally supporting your choice to keep the process on the down low ... sometimes the support is great and other times you just want to scream: IT DID NOT WORK! STOP ASKING!
    This time you are going to want to scream IT WORKED IT WORKED!!!!
    Prayers and hugs <3


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)