
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Project 365 - Week 13 & 14

I figured I would take this chance to get caught's TWO weeks worth of 365's...enjoy!!

Day 85 - July 5, 2009 Dog Days of Summer...we spent the day at Mom and Dad's with the dogs and in the pool. Here are two good buddies together!

Day 86 - July 6, 2009 Painted toes...finally screams Cory. He kept teasing me about still having paint on my toes from RYSO! haha!

Day 87 - July 7, 2009 Doggy Bike Rides...the pups joined us n the bikes as we rode to get their nails clipped. They started getting the hang of it as we turned the corner headed back home!

Day 88 - July 8, 2009 Baby we are waiting out in the hallway to meet Cole...Congrats Manda and Tom!

Day 89 - July 9, 2009 As Seen on TV...I got sucked into buying a Smooth Away hair applicator...surprisingly it works!

Day 90 - July 10, 2009 All alone...6 nights a week...I get the bed to myself. It's not as exciting as it sounds...but it's how it works while the Husby is out serving and protecting.

Day 91 - July 11, 2009 Out the front of the pups favorite views. Apologies for the dirty backs...they got a bath after this picture! haha

Day 92 - July 12, 2009 VERBIES go to PR...I love these crazy kids. They are off to Puerto Rico for Summer Missions. I hope that they have a great time!

Day 93 - July 13, 2009 Organizing...It's in full force. I have been organizing whatever I can get my hands on...this day it was the linen closet.

Day 94 - July 14, 2009 Jrod's birthday...these crazy kids. After a fun night of go-karting an a yummy dinner to celebrate Jared's birthday.

Day 95 - July 15, 2009 Cory spreaches...for the first time, Cory taught the VERB teens while Jason was out of town. He did a great job!

Day 96 - July 16, 2009 At our's her favorite spot to be. She like enjoys cuddling with our toesies!

Day 97 - July 17, 2009 A good spot to sit...on Olive? Yep...she sits on him, and visa versa.

Day 98- July 18, 2009 Is that me?...Olive stopped in the middle of tearing apart the toy log to come watch herself on the computer screen.


  1. Ha ha - they are to cute. And SO glad you caught us up!! I was going through pic withdrawals!

  2. Um, this is great and all ... but you better get back to blogging, missy!!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)