
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It is time...

April writing...

Well. Vacation has come and gone. (boo hiss) We had a decent time. It was a little stressful at times, trying to keep two 18-year-olds busy having fun, after all it was kind of a trip for them. (Bek's graduation present + OD coming as her BFF) We wanted to make sure they enjoyed themselves, but it seemed they were happy just sitting by the beach and/or the pool. Which was fine with us.

Cory and I went out and were able to do quite alot on our limited budget.
Jetskiing - Cory and Bek
Slingshot Ride - Cory and Bek
Helicopter Ride - Cory and I
Parasailing - Cory and I
Riding Mopeds - Cory and I, Bek and OD
and of course Putt-Putt.

*Who knew that Myrtle Beach was like the mini-golf capital of the world. There was literally a putt-putt spot on each block, sometimes two!

We bought food for the room, so we wouldn't eat out like crazy. We enjoyed Spaghetti, Chicken Patties, Chicken Tenders, Hot Dogs, etc. (and a couple of burnt desserts...the baking pan left a little to be desired!)

The beach was gorgeous. The water was so warm and nice, a little on the salty side but I got over that fast enough. There were two pools to choose from at our condo. The weather was perfect till about Thursday when some afternoon rains started coming in. The sand was the first day I totally got a blister walking back to the condo. (which was ON the beach btw)

I have pictures to share, but unfortunately they are on the home computer and I am at work. So this is a half-attempt at updating you on the recent happenings. I have other posts to type, but I may wait on them till tonight so I can post with pictures. Especially the post on how my front planter garden is doing. (It's gorgeous! I am so in love with it...especially the recent hollyhock blooms...*nerd*)

Anyways...let me leave you for now...with just a little taste of what's to come

Photos from Vaca
Garden update
Game Room Renovations
Getting crafty at home
Project 365
New Hair pics
Preparing for the Tea
Losing weight plan...take 45
IVF update (in connection with the losing weight update)

SEE?! Much to come...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Soudns like a blast!! What condo did you guys stay in? McStudly and I are thinking about Myrtle Beach for our pre-deployment getaway.

    PS: I burned my feet on the sand in OC. Who even THINKS that is possible, much less prepares for it? NUTS!!

    AND... you should totally see my freshly spray-painted plate rack turned photo display. LOVE it... and my freshly spray-painted candle holder for the fireplace. YAY for DIY simple home projects!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)