
Monday, September 28, 2009

Another post...

April writing...

Well I enjoyed my bloggy break. Although I can't say that I came back with any huge ideas on what to blog...but something will come to me, it always does. This is after all, the home of the random! :)

I feel busy and backwards.

Take for example my work desk calendar...August is still hanging up there...oops.

I think I have a couple times a year where I completely lose track of myself and I have to refocus and redesign how I do things. So I am working on it...I guess I will add my Bloggy persona to that list.

Until then, I plan to make good on my promise of these posts...
  • Project 365 update
  • My "Bump-It" review
So's gonna be super exciting.

A few things I am excited about...I am selling some stuff on's got a little over a day and half left and we are already making over $230!!! Let's here it for debt payoff!!! Also, this weekend is the Fall Retreat...and I am SUPER excited! We are taking a small group of HS kids, but it's going to be a blast. I seriously love working with VERB (our youth group)!!

The leaves are changing color and the air is getting crisp. Today is a great fall day around's about 65 and all the leaves are falling and blowing around! It relaxes me...until I think that I probably won't sit down till 9 pm tonight...but I am sure I'll still be having fun! :)

What are you looking forward to?

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Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)