
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

It never stops...

April writing...

...and the more I think about it...I am not sure I would like it if it all DID stop!!

Fall is on it's way...oh glorious I have missed you! I am more than happy to have it back!

*Note, I sat out my Mulled Cider candle last night...the smell of Fall was ALL UP in mi casa!

The 'things to do' list keeps on growing and the 'things I wish I had time to do' list grows as well! :) Lemme show ya!

Things to do: (For this week)
  • Get organized for Yard Sale - Organize/Sort, Price and Advertise.
  • Preparations for the Ladies Tea (19th)
  • Prune back some plants
  • Mail Summerly's package (yeah!)
  • Work...ehhh
  • Sew...Now that my machine is fixed...I have to finish a couple projects for friends (Brandy and Goldie)
  • Plan the fall calendar...or start to at least.
The Yard Sale prep is going to kill me, but it HAS to be done. I HAVE to get rid of some of that stuff! I think I will feel MORE than pleased once that is completed!

As far as the rest of's all the goal to be completed, but I don't plan on knocking myself out to get it all done.

Now...what else is coming up this Fall...we have three VERB trips and then all the Jack-O-Carving Parties in October, then there are already two special events planned in December. One of which is our 4th Annual Cookie Exchange (and I just settled on my cookie of choice...the chocolate crinkles. :) YUMM!) The other is our Gingerbread House Competition!! There will be plenty more events, I am sure! This really is my favorite time of the year!

What's coming up that you are looking forward to?


  1. What I'm most looking forward to is all of the holidays and time off work taht I actually get to spend with my Hubs!! So glad he's not deploying. *sigh

  2. Hey April, I need to "prune back" my rose bush and my hydrangea. How do I do it and when?


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)