
Monday, September 14, 2009

Project 365 - Week 22

April writing...

Day 148 - September 6, 2009 Cuddle time...Pickle-Bear has been really lovely-dovey lately, I took some time tonight to get down and cuddle with him, boy did he appreciate it!

Day 149 - September 7, 2009 Labor Indoor-Day...Well the rain kept the S'more portion of our day indoor, however we handled it well...with the indoor s'more maker!

Day 150 - September 8, 2009 Hammies...during a visit to Petsmart for food and OD got us over to see the Hamsters....they were so cute. These were my favorite running back and forth!

Day 151 - September 9, 2009 Lil' birdie...this little cutie was found outside my office building. He had an injured eye. The county animal control came and picked him up, hopefully to take care of him!

Day 152 - September 10, 2009 Critter...can you spot the critter that is sitting in my planter?

Day 153 - September 11, 2009 Taking over...there is this vine. It popped up in my stairs planter...I have NO clue what it is...but it's making it's way to the "E." It will take over soon!

Day 154 - September 12, 2009 Bust...our yard sale. Total waste. No customers, not even drive by sales. Boo.

1 comment:

Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)