
Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Absent....errr uh PRESENT!

For now at least.

What's up with this once a week blogging?! I am not too sure myself. I haven't had the desire to blog at all. And what the's November 24th already?!?!

So I'm working on a pillow for my bay window. And it has now been sitting on my dining room table for over a week. I think I am very intimidated. I am making the cover from scratch. It's making my head hurt. And I see it every time I come in my house or walk through my living room. I feel like it's kinda taunting me...telling me I will never finish it. Or if I won't look good. I am already doubting my fabric choice. It's too hard. I wanna quit that project and do something else fun and cute. Ehhh.

I am Black Friday pre-shopping and researching online today...I want to get the best deal. It's kinda stressful.

I feel kinda like Summ in my blog today...but that's just cause I love her. :P

Ok, that's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. OOoh... I just made a cushion last night. It was more lik the case for a cushion (since the cushion had to be inserted later), but it turned out MUCH better than I thought it would. And good thing, too, cause it was for a friend. I'm so proud! It is daunting, but if you do the math right ahead of time, you can TOTally do it. Heck - if I can, anyone can!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

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