
Saturday, November 28, 2009

New toys...

April writing...

I am typing this post from our new toy. Mine and Cory's Christmas present to each other. A new HP G60 laptop.

She's a beaut!

She is so sleek and sexy.
Her buttons are fresh and crisp as they click under my fingers.

I love her.

...ok I am a little excited. There is alot of potential with this sweet little thing. I can transfer all my work for VERB onto her and then take it directly to church when we need extra items! I am just stoked!!

Anywho...thought I would drop by and say hey...Cory and I had a great Thanksgiving with our families and friends...the food was delish and abounding and the laughter and memories were all I could ask for! We had a great Black Friday...we weren't too caught up in the shopping, we had two goals in mind...a new GPS and a new LAPTOP...and we accomplished those goals with savings to boot!

So now, it's onto shopping for a few Christmas presents for the kiddos in our lives. And I need to prepare for the upcoming Cookie Exchange and we need to get out schtuff for the Gingerbread House Competition. It should be a fun Holiday season, one of my favorite times of the year.

I hope you and your families enjoy the special times together as well!!! Until next time...

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Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)