
Thursday, November 05, 2009

Simple Pleasure

Cory Writing....

Today is Thursday and that means it is time for you to share your simple pleasures.

My simple pleasure this week is being on a normal schedule. I have temporarily (hopefully permanently) changed positions. I have gone from working Patrol on the midnight shift to working in a school. My schedule is know a normal Monday through Friday gig. That allows me to spend quality time with my wife. This is the first time since we have been married that I have been on a normal schedule.

1 comment:

  1. My simple pleasure is being able to jump in and play my violin with people I care about. I was able to reunite with both my folk music jam, and the worship team this week.

    I love being able to laugh and worship and play and love people by playing music on my violin.

    I've missed it!


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