
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hit with tunes...

April writing...

So I had an awful dream last night...without going into detail, let's just say it had me waking up this morning with little hope of us ever having our own little one. I hoped in the shower and prayed. I remember God's promises and I know he will be faithful...

and I guess he just wanted to continue to remind me...all the way to work.

I had it on our local Christian radio station and almost back to back I heard the three songs below...if that's not a clear enough message...I don't know what is. (I will give you snippets of each of the songs, the parts that really spoke to me!)

Thank you God for being faithful!

Meredith Andrews "You're Not Alone"
"You're not alone, for I am here.
Let me wipe away your every fear.
My love, I've never left your side.
I have seen you through the darkest night,
and I'm the one who's loved you all your life,
All of your life "

Josh Wilson "Before the Morning"
"Would you dare, would you dare to believe.
That you still have a reason to sing,
Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling...
It can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.
So hold on you gotta wait for the light,
Press on and just fight the good fight.
Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling...
It’s just the dark before the morning."

and this one has a great message in the whole song...
"John Waller - While I'm Waiting"
"I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You, Lord.
And I am hopeful.
I'm waiting on You, Lord.
Though it is painful, But patiently, I will wait.

I will move ahead, bold and confident.
Taking every step in obedience.
While I'm waiting, I will serve You.
While I'm waiting, I will worship.
While I'm waiting, I will not faint.
I'll be running the race, Even while I wait.

I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You, Lord.
And I am hopeful.
I'm waiting on You, Lord.
Though it is painful, But patiently, I will wait.
Yes, I will wait."

I love it when God's sly like that... ;)

1 comment:

  1. this one almost brought tears to my eyes, everynight. I pray for a little one :) I know you guys will be amazing parents.. &with Maylin there is no doubt in my mind that God will answer your prayers too :) i loveyou guys so much &am looking forward to being Aunt Mandy :)


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