
Monday, January 11, 2010

Red eye...

April writing...

(my apologies for the lame make-up was a late night photo session, purely for blogging purposes.)

That's my eye...
My eye on make-up (well make-up on my eye...)

It's my current frustration. If I wear more than mascara on my eyes...I get red, bloodshot eyes. Especially if I use eyeliner. I have tried changing my make-up, I have tried using eye drops before hand to relax and rehydrate the eyes, I have also tried not wearing eyeliner (since that seems to be the main culprit)

So now, what's a girl to do? I want pretty made-up eyes...but that above not pretty. Ideas?


  1. i love the purple makeup! its pretty :) maybe try like using one of those all natural eyeliners that have minerals in them. ? i barlely wear makeup anymore. but when i wore it a lot, i had the same problem with some eyliners. i just kept trying different brands till one worked. maybe alamay liner would work. good luck! :D

  2. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Liquid liner all the way if you know how to apply it. (I'm not going to took me three months to get it right! Lol) There are also techniques in which you use non-powder eye shadows and an angle tip brush to get that soft eyeliner affect. (Try makeup tutorials on Youtube, I've found several that worked for me.) Also, if it's causing your eyes to water like that, I would suggest not adding eyeliner to your bottom, innerlid. 10 bucks says that that's where your real problem lies!

  3. The eye makeup looks so pretty. I don't have a suggestion for the red eye though. Have you tried Almay stuff? I think that's hypo allergenic.

  4. Put your eyeliner Just under the base of your lower lashes. It looks like it's actually on the rim of your lower lid which I can see how it would irritate your eyes. Smudge it up under and stay away from the "wet" part...


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