
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You see this right?

April writing...

I have been on my AAAAAAA-game!
I have blogged 27 times this month...that's crazy! Guess I got it back!!
Well, here's a little bit of the stuff on my mind...and what's been happening around these parts...

Husby is back to midnights (I am readjusting and so is he, his sleep schedule has been all whack-a-doodle)...

I am starting auditions for this years Murder Mystery (Super excited about this!)...

Still sewing, finally finished my window seat pillow (pics to come)...

Cleaned up my scrapbook room...converting the space now more to a "craft" room (as I haven't scrapped in forever!)...

We get to see my Cousin Joy and meet her new Hubby this weekend (they are in the states from Australia for their Honeymoon!)...

We are preparing for at least two trips this year (the first one is to the beach for our 7th anniversary in April, then Boston in June with our friends Jason and Brittany! We may also be taking a trip in November or December to Montana to visit Cory's grandma...that depends on his schedule though!)...

We may finally be putting up crown molding in our dining and living rooms (I can't wait...I think it's going to give it such a finished look!)...

I am already planning our backyard garden renovation for this Spring and Summer (more to come on that...and Cory even mentioned possibly wanting to lay the patio ourselves!)...

There's more I am sure...but that's all I could think of for now...many more blogs to come...I am on FI-YAAHHH!!

1 comment:

Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)