
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am content.

April writing...

Now, before we get into this, let's deal with the elephant on the blog...OF COURSE, there are always things in life that could be changed, that could be better. I totally want to be skinnier, and yes, I would love more money or to be out of debt, and of course I would love to have a finished basement or to be able to work from home *sigh*...but I digress.

I am content. defines the word "content" as an adjective meaning "to be satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else."

That's strong stuff...but for me...right now; it's so true.

I can honestly say that I am very content with my life right now. I feel a sense of rest and peace. The pace is slower and I am liking it. Husby and I have a steady, tried and true way of loving each other; and yes, while we are both open to changing how we do things...for the most part, it's all worked out. We have simple routines that are comforting; from how we wake up each morning to how we go to sleep. From how laundry is done, to how we do our dishes. We talk of the future, with the full knowledge that it is coming towards us and by the time our future gets here, God will have us prepared for what's in store.

I love our home, even with all it's little annoyances, because even in those times; I know there are some who do not have a home. I love our church, even knowing all the sometimes dark sides behind the curtain of membership; because I know that God has huge things in store for our church...and sometimes it just means we will need trials to make us a stronger body of Christ. I even love our struggle with infertility; because even though it's hard and ugly and sometimes downright has forged within Cory and I such a strong faith in God and in each other.

I love my job. I love how I can volunteer and serve my passions all at once. I love my families; both sides, for their similarities and for their differences. I love my friends, for being constants in my life.

I am content.
I feel full.
I feel loved.

I am content.
How do you feel about your life right now?


  1. I love this April! I too am content. God has blessed us so much and Uses every trial, every suffering to sharpen us fir His Glory!

  2. Wonderful post April.


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