
Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm Lovin' It

April writing...

I figured I would start a new segment called "I'm Lovin' It Saturdays." In honor of my favorite day of the week, I will enlighten you; my wonderful readers with some of the things I am 'loving' for that week!

Ready? This should be a blasty-blast!

First off, I am lovin' this sweet little, brightly painted garden! Makes me really want to push to make my garden this year...(yeah yeah, I know I have been saying that for like 2 years now...!)

(image courtesy of

And this is kind of along the same lines...I am all for adding COLOR to the backyard!!!

(image courtesy of

Then there is this little thang!! What a great idea...and I am even more jealous that she hand painted it on...I would totally use a vinyl decal! :P

(image courtesy of

So what are you lovin' this week?!


  1. oh wow...... I don't know if I could do such a bright fence... i must be more of a white picket fence girl BUT I loved the pots and the tray was such a great idea!!!! You could totally do that as "art" for your room...... if you have any old cabinets lying around

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that garden with all the bright colors! That is totally something I would want. Maybe it would make the kids more enthralled with gardening as well. . .

    I gave you an award over at my blog. I'm sorry if it's not your thing! I don't always like doing them myself and I know a lot of people feel that way. :)

  3. Brenda12:17 AM

    I love the garden and the fence. I say go for it! We need a lot of bright colors in a dark world. We need to show the colors of the rainbow that God gave to Noah after the flood.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)