
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Top 5 Tuesday

April writing...

This week's prompt is: What are your Top 5 Favorite Household Chores...yes, there are actually people out there that have favorite chores...Here are mine...

5. Bathroom (although I wouldn't call it a favorite, it's on my "I-don't-mind-doing-it" list!)
4. Bathing the dogs
3. Sweeping/Mopping
2. Laundry
1. Organizing...(yes, I consider this a chore, cause you do have to keep up with it!)

...what's funny is...I hate vacuuming; Cory loves it...glad that worked out! And for us, we have the dishes down to a science. If I make dinner, Cory does dishes (and I put them away) If Cory makes dinner, then I do dishes. So basically...Cory does the dishes and I put them away :P

...and of course, we must do the Top 5 HATED Household Chores...cause I know we ALL have those...Here are mine...

5. Doing the dishes
4. Cleaning up doggie mess (indoors and outdoors)
3. Taking out the trash
2. Vacuuming.
1. Dusting. (ughh I hate it; and I went and got dark bedroom furniture...gesh!)

Let's hear yours!!

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