
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Top 5 Tuesday

April writing...

This week's prompt...
What are your top 5 things to do when it snows?

5. Bundle up and watch movies!
4. Play with the dogs in the snow!
3. Take pretty winter pictures!
2. Snowball fight!
1. Go sledding!!

What are yours??


  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Testing, 1...2...3....

    April :)

  2. Hey girl! Thanks for your sweet email-- I just responded, so let me know if you have any more questions!

    Hmmm, my top five things to do when it snows? I'm not sure I could come up with five (I hate winter weather!) but I know drinking hot chocolate would definitely be on that list!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I wouldn't know.... I've never had the opportunity :-( But after reading all my friends on facebook talking about their plans for being snowed in.. I'm thinking I need to plan a 'Fake snowed in day!'

  4. 5. Bake new things I haven't tried before.
    4. Watch movies
    3. Take pictures
    2. Sled
    1. Build a snowman.... I haven't gotten a chance to do this but I want to one day.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)