
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog Tips & Tricks

I figured that after having so many people ask how I do certain things on the Blog...I would do a little running series with the Blogger tips and tricks I have learned over time.

I figured I would start with one of my most recently learned tricks.

Adding a favicon to my blog.

What's a favicon you ask?

Well, take a look...


All the orange arrows are pointing to favicons.

I created this little smiley to be my favicon for the should see it next to my blog address on the URL toolbar above.

...and here is a quick tutorial on how you can create your very own favicon!

Choose/Create your Favicon
  • Choose your favicon or create one. You can use any picture or symbol. Just remember, it isn't going to be very big so you want it to be recognizable at the small size it will be when it is complete.
  • You can create your own favicon, like I did (using photoshop or publisher, any picture program really) or you can find favicons on the internet...just do a google search for free favicons!
  • Once you have a .jpg or .jpeg file of your favicon created or saved, you must now upload it to a photo/file hosting site such as photobucket. (that's what I use)
Add favicon HTML code to your Blogger template.
  • For those of you who run when you hear or see HTML, don't be afraid. It's not as scary as it seems.
  • First you want to go to your "Layout" tab. Then go to "Edit HTML." Once there, you should click "Download full template." This will create a backup file of your current template, in case any code gets messed up in the process. You can then import this file in to start over and not lose any of your current template.
  • Now you want to go to "Edit" and "Find."
  • Copy and paste in the following code to search and hit "next"
  • Now that code will be highlighted on your Blogger template.
Paste in your favicon HTML code and image location.
  • Now you want to paste the following code AFTER the above code from Step 2.
  • Now, where it says "ICON FILE URL" you want to paste the "Direct Link code" from Photobucket or your file hosting site.
  • Paste that "direct link" code on both lines.

  • Now you want to scroll down on your Blogger Template and "Save Template."

Now you can enjoy your very own favicon on your blog. It may take about an hour to show up (mine did).

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

It's time to roll up your sleeves...

Have you started your gardening yet?! I am so excited about my week off next week. I plan to plant some of my seedlings and get to work!! This year I am actually starting my very own veggie garden...I am both excited and extremely nervous!

So I'm prepared...are you?

I have some great items in my shop that would be perfect for your gardening needs!!

Let's start with some tools...
I have the Fiskars shovel and it is perfect! Especially for bulb planting or plant transfers!

Here are some great items to add some style to your garden! I love hanging baskets of any sort...and these liners are perfect. They will last you through the season and hold water in to keep your plants hydrated!

Want to bring the garden inside?? What about these vases? The Whitney Smith Vase is a great addition, and an even better gift..Mom maybe?? PLUS I there is a coupon good for 25% off, good thru the end of TODAY only!!! Coupon code is BIRD25. Use it when you check out!

The tall vases have so many uses...I can't wait to put my Sunflowers in a fun, spunky vase like this to add color to any one of my rooms!!

...and even more great tools! Are you growing any Herbs this year?? The Prepara - Herb Savor & Mini Herb Savor is great to have on hand to save those herbs and keep them fresh and on hand!! And the HomArt Chalkboard Stakes will keep you organized in the garden!

so be sure to drop by my Shop today and get all the tools you need to be prepared! And remember, there is a giveaway coming VERY soon! So be ready!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Calling all POLICE WIVES!

Spread the word!

I've created a new Social Network for us Police Wives!!!
I hope to see it grow, with other great Police Wife bloggers!!

Grab the buttons or banners below and join today! See you there!

Each button or banner's code is below the picture...

250 x 250 Size


and here is the 125 x 125 Size




**EDIT** Some of the buttons and banners are showing up too large...I thought they were the right size. So what you see is the size they will be on your sidebar...some may overlap or hang off the side and get cut off...So I am working on a FIX. I will add new ones tomorrow...So check back for better buttons and logos! My apologies...

**2nd EDIT** The new sizes are up...the best sizes for the sidebar are the 250x250 and 125x125!! Enjoy!

Blog Poll...part 2

So I extended my Blog poll...and it ended today.

Back on March 22nd, it looked a little like this...

and as of today, it looks like this...

So the people have spoken...more Police Stories...more Pictures and more DIY Projects!!! Well, you asked for it...and I will do my best!!


I am gearing up for my very FIRST ever Giveaway!!! I hope you are ready!!

More details coming soon...
...but I can tell you this...this giveaway is for one particular item in my OpenSky Shop...and one lucky reader will get it for FREE!!! (...if you don't win the FREE product you will still receive a 10% off coupon for anything in my shop!!)

Keep your eyes peeled!!

I am HERE!!!

I didn't get lost...just a little tired I guess.

We went away this weekend on a Youth Retreat with the students from church, all high schoolers. It was a blast. We went 'down'ne ocean hun.' (It's a Baltimore thing...hun!) was super fun, surprisingly I got plenty of rest...*shocking*...but thankful that I did. Although I still needed a couple of days to recuperate, but I think I'm all better now.

Soooo...I did come home to more sprouts...albeit some sprouts had been sabotaged by the evil Olive...

...ok I admit it...she doesn't look evil...but she can reek some havoc!

If you will remember...on March 22nd, my seedlings look like this...

but when I got home from this weekend, they looked more like this...

See how some of them look like someone sat on them....not naming any names...o l i v e...

It's all good though...Most of them are doing just fine...

The seedlings in the kitchen (Oregano, Cilantro and Parsley) are doing quite well too. Even though I was worried about them getting adequate sunlight.

Here we have the Cilantro...

The Oregano....peeking through...

...and the Parsley...

I am going to have to try and move the Sunflowers outside for now...they are getting too tall for the seedling container and they are started to break. boo. Hopefully it's not too early to put them outside!

Anywho...I have 3 more days of work this week before I am OFF for 10 days!!! Waahooooo! Starting on Good Friday-April 11th. I will be enjoying one small adventure (planned by Husby) for our Anniversary, then we will be embarking on the task of hanging crown molding in the living and dining rooms! I am terribly excited about this, I have wanted to do it for two years now. I think it is really going to give the room a finished look!! (That, and it will cover up some of our painting errors and unsightly rips in paint from where we took off old trip in the dining room and never replaced it!) Plenty of pics to come!

Until then...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm Lovin' It

April writing...

*le sigh* Another weekend. I am so ready for it...however, mine is being be spent with 2000+ teenagers at a youth conference in Ocean City, MD. I hope that as you read this, we are having a ton of fun! We have a small group this year, I am looking forward to it...not the lack of sleep so much...but everything else should be fun!

Onto more important things...this weeks I'm lovin' it series!! Here's what I found this week!!

This DIY Door Corner Shelf...what a great idea! I'm lovin' how they used closet doors to make something so cool and useful!!

(image courtesy of The Idea Room)

I am lovin' this super easy tutorial for a ribbon memo board. I have actually recovered a few of these in my lifetime and it it so easy!

(image courtesy of Organize and Decorate Everything)

Seriously...tell me how cute this little fabric chicken is?! I'm lovin' it! Click on the picture to check out the tutorial!

(image courtesy of Sew4Home)

And last, I'm lovin'...this great...super hard...bathroom refresh! Seriously...they worked SO hard to do this job...all they did was add a frame! :) Go check out the before, it makes such a difference!

(image courtesy of Living with Lindsay)

I hope you are having a great weekend! What are you lovin'?!?!?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Paint color??? I got samples today...paint samples.


FYI, the colors are both Valspar brand, the darker one is "Green Water" and the lighter color is "April Thicket."

Here are the colors next to our dark furniture...

...and another view, further away...apologies for the mess...that's how we roll. we have our colors next to our bedding. (pay not attention to the stickers still on our blinds, I've been to lazy to get off...)

Here are some views that I made in Photoshop...(and not very well mind you...) But maybe it gives you an idea...

Here is April Thicket...

and here is Green Water...

Remember, the room is about 10x10 and we will have dark