
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I am HERE!!!

I didn't get lost...just a little tired I guess.

We went away this weekend on a Youth Retreat with the students from church, all high schoolers. It was a blast. We went 'down'ne ocean hun.' (It's a Baltimore thing...hun!) was super fun, surprisingly I got plenty of rest...*shocking*...but thankful that I did. Although I still needed a couple of days to recuperate, but I think I'm all better now.

Soooo...I did come home to more sprouts...albeit some sprouts had been sabotaged by the evil Olive...

...ok I admit it...she doesn't look evil...but she can reek some havoc!

If you will remember...on March 22nd, my seedlings look like this...

but when I got home from this weekend, they looked more like this...

See how some of them look like someone sat on them....not naming any names...o l i v e...

It's all good though...Most of them are doing just fine...

The seedlings in the kitchen (Oregano, Cilantro and Parsley) are doing quite well too. Even though I was worried about them getting adequate sunlight.

Here we have the Cilantro...

The Oregano....peeking through...

...and the Parsley...

I am going to have to try and move the Sunflowers outside for now...they are getting too tall for the seedling container and they are started to break. boo. Hopefully it's not too early to put them outside!

Anywho...I have 3 more days of work this week before I am OFF for 10 days!!! Waahooooo! Starting on Good Friday-April 11th. I will be enjoying one small adventure (planned by Husby) for our Anniversary, then we will be embarking on the task of hanging crown molding in the living and dining rooms! I am terribly excited about this, I have wanted to do it for two years now. I think it is really going to give the room a finished look!! (That, and it will cover up some of our painting errors and unsightly rips in paint from where we took off old trip in the dining room and never replaced it!) Plenty of pics to come!

Until then...


  1. Your sprouts make me smile! I cannot wait to get my herbs in the big pot just outside my back door!

  2. I feel kinda guilty about the condition of the sprouts. I probably should have moved the box up to the kitchen table. There the babies would have been safely away from the inquisitive and excitable pups.

    I'm sorry April...

  3. No way Regina, NO WORRIES. I know by having my sprouts in that window that they may be in danger. Minor mishaps have already occurred even before you stayed there!! It's TOTALLY fine!

  4. And she ate my KEY!!!!! I mean thats at least what I am guessing.... ha ha!

    I love the picture of Olive though... its really good!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)