
Friday, March 19, 2010

Grand Opening!

April writing...

It's finally here! The Grand Opening of my 2Slicks Good Times Shop at OpenSky!

Here's the skinny...
I have recently partnered up with the OpenSky Project. It's a wonderful community of Bloggers turned online shopkeepers! Each shopkeeper is unique and is passionate about specific areas of interest. They share products along with their opinions, products that you may already be shopping for!

I have started with a good quantity of quality products in my shop, with the hope of sourcing out many more products in the near future! I will endorse products that I use and products that I love; even products that catch my eye! My hope is to also use these products in conjunction with our home remodel and decorating adventure!

OpenSky is GREAT! It takes care of all of the sourcing and shipping through their extensive resources and vendor partnerships. I will simply pick the items that I personally recommend and they go and find them - no substitutions. Of course I make a small percentage of the sale by doing so and use that to pay for the remodeling and decorating of our forever home!

We are offering some great products right now...

Things for the home:

Products for your sweet tooth!:

Even products for a perfect summer picnic outside and fun with the dogs!:

I look forward to bringing you the greatest products and hope that you will drop by regularly for new ideas and products! If you have any products you would like to see in the Shop, just let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I want the cupcake holders!!!!!!!! Like today please! They are so stinking cute!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)