
Saturday, March 06, 2010

I'm Lovin' It

April writing...

It's Saturday...and that means it's time to see what I am Lovin' this week!

Let's start with this coffee table...what? You don't see a coffee table?! Well that's cause it USED to be one...she made a bench from cutting a coffee table in awesome?! Genius...I'm lovin' it!

(image courtesy of 320 Sycamore)

Then we have this desk set...which I am lovin'. I'm really thinking about something like this for when we move the office to the basement! I think it will fit well in the space and look nice in the process!

(image courtesy of The Old White Cottage)

...I'm lovin' this adorable onesie. I am actually in the process of making some shirts for some kiddos I know with their initials on it! So simple and so cute!

(image courtesy of Wallah! It's a Wallace Blog.)

...I am also lovin' Uppercase Living vinyl wall art. I actually hosted a catalog party about a year ago and I am thinking about hosting another one here soon! Take a look at the stuff...isn't it amazing?! Let me know if you want in on the catalog/house party! I'm thinking beginning of April maybe?
Uppercase Living.

Now for the last thing I am lovin' this must head over to this blog.
Baby as Art.
I could stare at the pretty babies for hours!!

What are you lovin' this week?


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)