
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

a little veggie garden teaser...

April writing...

So I am planning my veggie garden...I am going to do a square foot garden. I am reading that this way is easier for beginners!

Veggie Garde_Design

The colors and original idea were first seen here...and here are more pics to give you an idea of what I want it to look like...

(images courtesy of

Here are some other great square foot gardens that I am using as a pattern.

Tatertots & Jello
The Newly Woodwards

Thoughts? Has anyone else ever done a square-foot veggie garden? Or any veggie garden for that matter? What do I need to know? Do's? Don't? Any help would be appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Believe it or not ...
    I took a class last semester in square foot gardening!
    I have a "vast knowledge" if you need pointers, LOL :)


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