
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a look back...Journaling Part 3

April writing...

...I got a great idea in the shower the other day; I had been meaning to pull out some of my old journals and re-read them. I like doing that every so often. Although I didn't journal NEAR enough when I was younger! While I was reading, I thought it would be a neat idea to share some of the entries with you...Especially some of the ones that show how Husby and I started our relationship. I have changed some names for privacy purposes...if you know me...then you know who the boyfriend was and who Husby is...just to clear that up! On to Part 3...

We left off with Husby and I growing into a great relationship with each other...

"October 27th, 2000,
Wow, it has been a month since I last wrote and I am so sorry! I took the time tonight to read all my entries till the present. It's all so amazing to see how things transpired. I sat and thought alot about what I wrote and it made me think alot about the future and marriage.
When I was with the boyfriend I felt that he was the one that I was supposed to marry, we even had a Pastor on a missions trip tell us that; but we had so many problems, and I never truly felt like he was my best friend which I thought was so important to me. Now that I am with Husby it's totally different. He is my best friend and he has been for a while...for longer than I realized. By simply having that connection with him I know he is truly the one for me. I guess at first I had my doubts saying that, because I just got out of a really long, pretty intense at times relationship. I pray now, and I feel such peach about God having a plan for all of this, the mess that my life can sometimes be. I know that God even had a plan to use my relationship with the boyfriend. It taught me so many lessons and made me a stronger person. It paved the way for me to know what I wanted in a healthy relationship. We had so many rough times...and looking back, even though some people speak ill of it now, those times brought Husby and I closer. He became my rock when the boyfriend left the church. Our friendship seemed to grow almost completely our of the weak times with the boyfriend.
Husby never crossed a line, he never even shared with me that he had feelings for me...he was a true friend...and now we are together and because of how he treated me, I have the utmost of respect for him.
What ever the plan is I am so happy to be with Husby. He treats me wonderfully, he pushes me to become a better woman and he makes me feel strong and loved. Things are going great...there is talk of engagement soon...we shall see."

I tell ya, those were some hard days too. So many people, at times I think even the boyfriend thought that Husby and I had started a relationship before the boyfriend and I broke up. That couldn't have been further from the truth. It was hard for me to think that people thought I was having an inappropriate relationship before I broke up with the boyfriend. Luckily I had my girlfriends and for the first time in a while, my parents on my side. I think they knew how much I was praying about my relationships and my future and could see the positive side of what had happened.

We were only 4 months into our relationship and Husby sat down and had the talk with my Father...

"January 3rd, 2001,
Well I am terribly sorry that I have not written in so long...but Husby did talk to Dad. Dad pretty much said YES...but that he would also like to talk to Mom and Me about it all too before he gave his full blessing. So we went to lunch, Dad, Mom and Me. We talked and it went very well. Dad's only wish is that we wait a few months before getting engaged.
So Husby's plan is to wait until he gets out of the Academy and onto the street..."

Yeah I can almost hear you through the only dated 4 months before he asked for her your hand in marriage?! And yes, and trust me when I say this...I am not ever really one to say something like this...but when you know, you know. And I was in a relationship with a very driven boy, who knew what he wanted. He used to say he sat silently by waiting and waiting for me, and he was finished waiting! :P

"January 13th, 2001,
Things have been going great. Husby had his first day out on the street on Wednesday. Admittedly I was quite nervous, but I know that he has a great FTO to learn from. I feel much better about it now.
After talking to Husby the other night he says that he knows what he is going to do when he proposes. I am not sure if he knows exactly when yet, not like he would tell me! I am really excited though, I will keep you updated..."

and the ball just kept on rolling...check back tomorrow for Part 4 of the story!

Part 2
Part 1

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