
Thursday, March 25, 2010


It's me...

I think I am going to stop writing "April writing..."

I'm pretty sure you know who you are reading. While I think I would like to stop using my real name in my posts and gain some anonymity from the public that is "stranger" to I have done for Husby...I am about 840 posts too late to jump on that bandwagon.

Plus, if Husby comes to write...he'll say so...don't worry.


My stomach has been battling me since yesterday.

I've seen alot of this...

...and last night early this morning, Husby went to the 24-hour Walmart and got me some of this...isn't he swell?!

It's like liquid gold. It tastes horrible...but it surely helped calm my tummy-rumblings and let me sleep for the most part.

I watched the new series "LIFE" last night on TLC...well a pre-recorded DVR version of the show that is. It was super cool...then I napped. for 3 hours. :) Bliss.

My hair looks a hot mess today, I couldn't care less, cause my stomach hurts. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what I want to eat for lunch. I think soup is a smart decision, but what kind? Where?

I am going away this weekend, on a youth retreat (pretty sure I already mentioned this) and I am really already tired from the sickies...I may come back on Sunday comatose.

I should leave now...this is a pretty pointless post.

Although it's characteristics remind me of the great Summerly; whom I miss.

Ok. Leaving now.


  1. no, it's not a pointless post; it allows me, stranger from away to know that you are feeling unwell and to hold you in prayer.

    i wandered into your blog quite by accident and started following it because i just like it.

    of course this gives an appearance of a level of intimacy that we do not actually have, and while i am aware of my "outsider-ness", i'm still following your story and i still will keep you in prayer.

  2. Its been going around and it sucks big time! Lets just hope that "Husby" doesn't get it this weekend while y'all are away.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)