
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

He truly loves them...

Husby wasn't a huge fan of dogs when I initially brought up the idea of getting one of our own...but we got Pickle and they became fast buddies!

...just look at how tiny he was!!

...then after a few years he was ready for another one...that's when we adopted Olive.

He still rarely picks up poo or cleans up pee-pee...but he will occasionally help when Olive randomly vomits all the water that she just drank too quickly and he is always helpful when feeding or treat time comes around. He has a special bond with Pickle...they are the boys of the house, and Pickle looks forward to playing ball every night while Husby gets ready for work.

Pickle & Dad play ball. from April Eslick on Vimeo.

...please note how scared Pickle is of the baby gate...he even eyeballs it at one point...too funny!

Lately...Husby has been forming a pretty special bond with our little pretty lady Olive too...he has even grabbed the camera to take some snapshots of her funny antics!

But last night...was a shocker. We stopped and got some ice cream and he was finishing his up in the kitchen when I walked in to find him doing this...

Yes! You are seeing that correctly...he is feeding Olive some of his ice cream, then eating the rest of it! My Husband is sharing his ice cream, the same spot he licks, with the dog.

I was shocked to say the least.

I mean, I thought it was down-right cute...but I was shocked! :)

Afterall, who wouldn't share with such a sweetie...look, as she waited patiently, almost as if saying "lookie at how cute I am, you should give me more..."

Then Pickle arrived...of course he wanted his share too...

I didn't catch it on film...but he was super always...and he went for a full BITE of ice cream! We had to say...woah woah, just a lick buddy!!! haha!!

It was a sweet ending to my day!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)