
Monday, April 12, 2010

How does your garden grow?

Well, by the look of my car...Spring is here! Check out all that pollen! ICK!!! *sneeze much?!*

But who am I kidding I am loving every minute of watching the newest blooms and sprouts popping up! Like my lilies...they have increased in size. Last year each section only had two stems. Looks like I have many more to look forward to this year!

Left (April 6th) Right (April 12th)

...and now here is my Columbines...I planted them from seeds last year and they never did anything!! This year, it looks like I will have a bloom soon! are the rest of our front planter garden that was planted last year.

I have two areas where I have Hollyhocks growing. Last year, the area by our street lamp did amazing, but this year it is growing very slowly...however, the other area, in our side planter didn't do so hot last year, but this year it is blowing up!

Another spot I love is our side planter...although Husby and I agreed last night that it needs more color! I need to get to work on that!! you SEE my Clematis??!! It's so big and bushy already! I can't wait for my blooms...they are coming soon I can see the buds already!

...and last but not least...I got a few beautiful blooms finally growing from one of my new plants from last year...My Japanese Camellia...

There is already so much to look forward to see growing in our garden this year! Sometime soon, we will be getting to work on the backyard!! Hopefully before the dreaded Maryland HEAT sets in!!

What are you growing this year?

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