
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pups on a string

I spent about a half hour out in the yard with the pups on Saturday. (I think it was Saturday, my work week is already clouding my past weekend, sad)

Anywhooos...we had a great time. They are always longing to go out front and see what is new to them, since they are usually stuck in the backyard. I put them both on a run and let them have a ball. After about 20 minutes I sat in the grass with them to take some pictures...Pickle was more the willing participant than Olive...

she was more concerned with a loose piece of trash floating and blowing around our neighbors yard than willing to pose for pictures...I think she thought it was a butterfly...her favorite.

Here are some favorites in black and white...

Now for the rest...

Here are some cute shots of the pieces and part of my Pickle-Bear...

"Mom, what are you doing on the ground?"

"I don't really care what you are doing on the ground Mom, just get a picture of my good side..."

Then, they must have heard or smelled something...then started burying their noses and sniffing...there was even a bit of minor digging, before meal 'ol Mom put a stop to it...

My sweet pups...

Pretty girl in the sun...

My Bear getting a little scratchy-scratchy love...

Thanks for checking out the pics...Doesn't it look like he should be saying, "Oh tank you rerry mush for droppin' by...we wuv wou wong time."


I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, such great photos of the dogs!!! Pickle does so well with "posing".... and Olive is such a diva!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)