
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We barely fit the mold...

Well, we finished the crown molding...but only in the dining room...and it took us 4+ hours. I guess we didn't realize how much brain power it would actually take! I mean, Husby knew we picked the hard version of molding...the angled type...and we knew it would take some time...but oh man...did we ever have a headache by the time it was done. And I looked at Husby and said...the living room can WAIT! :P

We bought a small contractors pack of molding (it was super cheap that way) and we brought it home and an argument intense moment of fellowship regarding whether or not to paint first or just paint once they were up on the ceiling/wall. In my opinion we do the bulk of the painting while they are within arms reach...since I am just a happy little 5'3", steadying my self on a ladder while trying to paint nicely is a hard task. Husby wanted to do it all once we had it hung.

I supposed I won, although I wouldn't call it a win...seeing as how we almost got scared out of doing it all together when we heard that Husby's bro and wife couldn't finish their crown molding job and they are far more math smart than we are! :P It would have sucked to be stuck with crown molding that we already painted and couldn't return...ehhhh...

So...we began...we painted...

...and we let them dry...we saw that the painting was good and we called them completely painted crown molding and there was evening and there was morning - the first day. (heehee)

Then came the HOT day and we were ready to start cutting and hanging...

...take a deep breath and take your time. That was our motto for the day!
you know...kinda like measure twice, cut once...

...We hung our first piece...hey, that wasn't that hard at all...

Then we hung our second piece...the corners matched up...heck yea we are on a ROLL...

We had to create our own way to install the molding...cut the corners first, then add a piece in the middle...yeah, that's the wrong way to do it...but it worked!!

We had some minor gaps in the corners, but hey...Husby lives with the "Massa-Cauka." That's me...the "Master Caulker," which must be said in a slightly quick manner with a Chinese accent...

Everything was going pretty well...we were steady hanging molding until...

We hit the



Our pieces didn't line up...crap.

We made the best out of an uneven situation...and yes, it looks a wee-bit-ghetto...but whatevs. Luckily for us, it is in the most unnoticeable corner of the room. See look, you can't even see the mess up can you?


We put our piece of corner round in the two corners near the bulkhead-bumpout and proceeded to open the room up for the "Massa-Cauka" to do her job...and I did it well.

Here are some views of the room once the caulking and filling in of nail holes was complete...

All in all, we are super proud of ourselves...we still have to paint over the caulking and stuff on the molding and then it will be completely finished, then we we have to hit the Living Room...and we will get to it...soon...once I recover. My finger tips are still sore from caulking that whole room. And yes, I use my fingers the "Massa-Cauka" doesn't need no stinkin' tools!

Anywho...what do you think?


  1. I think if you'd have asked I'd have told you to RUN THE OTHER WAY!!!!

    Kinda like what you'd have told me when I said we were tiling our floors. In our 50+ year old house. That isn't square. :(

    Looks great though, so good job.

  2. It looks really good.... now you just need another vacation to finish the other room

  3. I can't wait to see it!


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