
Friday, May 28, 2010

Garden goodies...

Just wanted to share some of my goodies, growing so big and beautiful!

(this post is heavy on the'll either love it or hate it...)

Here are my green bell peppers...with a sweet little flower on it!

Here is one of my free Arbor Day Foundation trees...I have no clue which one it is yet!! ha!

Some of my Hen'sNChicks. Love these!

My Marigolds...which are currently looking a little dry...I should water them! :P

These are some fun little leftovers from my Clematis!

My pretty orangey-yellow Stella De'Oryo's! (sp?)

My Raspeberry Parfait Hydrangea...I may be getting some blooms this year! Fingers crossed!

Some of my planter perennials...they remind me of Pansy's.

A close up view of one of my Verbasum mix flowers. Cory thinks they look like weeds, well the bottom half at least...

Sweet Columbine flowers...this one is almost done blooming.

These Lillie's are about to POP!!!

A view of the front of the house...All my pretty plants in bloom. It makes all the hard work from last year totally WORTH it!

You see my sweet Hollyhocks there on the left...

How about a close up? I am just so proud to have grown these beauties from seeds. They are so pretty!! Although QUITE tall! :P They will be finding a new home after blooming season.

How's your garden looking? Excited about any new plants??


  1. Ohh! My mom just planted some Hens and Chicks. I love it! Ours has hints of red init though. Very nice!

  2. i LOVE hensNchick's thanks to hanging out with Summerly, and taking a trip to their friedns house!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)