
Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm back!

Well, I am back in town. Today was the first day back to work...and it has been SLOW. I am getting some small stuff done; filing, stamping-in drawings, etc. I am ready for my routine back...but tomorrow will throw it off a bit as well...

I have some BIRTHDAY plans scheduled, so I took the day off. I am glad to get to spend it with Husby, he is off the whole day too! Thursday is my actual birthday and that night I will be going out with some family and friends to one of my favorite places in the whole wide world...Fuddruckers. Man! I love that place! :P

Did I mention that I am getting my CAMERA for my birthday!!!??

...I'm just a tad bit excited about that. I won't actually have it for another month maybe...gotta work on the buying plans tonight!! So I am looking for a great deal on my camera to get it for the best price...and maybe some that I am ready to start taking pictures and maybe even take a class!!

I have tons to blog about...and I have tons of blogs to read (534 to be exact, per Google Reader) so I am off to find some goodies for this weeks I'm lovin' it series and I will be back soon with more! Hope you have a great week!!

And hello to the few new readers I got! Thanks for the emails and thanks for dropping by!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Ok so I visit a lot & on there a couple weeks ago I saw a free Neti Pot... I signed up so I could give it to my sister... anyways, it has been sitting on my counter for about 5 days & all I can think of every.single.time I walk past is your video. It makes me laugh! Thanks! :)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)