
Friday, May 07, 2010

I'm feelin' brave...

Brave describes me well...

I am brave for trying the Neti-Pot.
I am brave for video taping the nastiness.
I am brave for posting it.


Trying the Neti-Pot... from April Eslick on Vimeo.

p.s. - If you haven't tried it yet...and you have allergy or sinus issues...DO IT. It's quite possibly the strangest thing I have ever done...but it works!!


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    i use that all the time when i have a cold... it work wonders.

  2. J uses ours A LOT!!!! Almost every allergy season and every time we have a cold.

  3. I hear such great things about this little pot! I need to get it for HF since he's the one with serious allergy issues. Funny video. I was holding my hands next to my eyes so I could cover then in a hurry if I needed to. You know, just incase you threw up or too much snot came out. :)


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