
Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm Lovin it!

I got a few goodies for you on this fine Saturday...

I am lovin' these flower pot house numbers...what a great idea!

(image courtesy of Newly Woodwards)

...and CHECK OUT this dressing room...what gal doesn't want her own DRESSING room...lovin' it!!

(images courtesy of Russet Street Reno)

Last...these...are...adorable. I totally think they would be a super cute way to add some decor to the backyard!!! I'm really thinking about it!!

(images courtesy of Aubrey + Lindsay's Blog)

So?! What are you lovin' this week?


  1. I LOVE the mason jar idea!!!!!! Very cute, fun and simple.

  2. my favorite idea are the flower pots, they are soo cute:) I'll do it one day!! promise.

  3. I just love the mason jars! I am the leader of my daughter's environmental club at school and we made these as part of our "reuse" segment. Not only did we use Ball Jars, but we used pickle jars, baby food jars, etc and had such a neat little collection!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)