
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the jungle, the mighty jungle...

Wanna buy a house in the jungle?

What about a jungle in a house?

What's that growing on the walls? Is it fake? Maybe a little added greenery decor?

Oh looks REAL...and oh my...there's more...

My's spreading like a bad rash...a really bad rash...

AHHHHH!!!! What in the WORLD??

*Also...please take note...they took the time to make the stairs two different colors of carpet. Classy touch.*
**if you have two different color carpets on your stairs...then please take no offense, I am sure that it's just because this house did that AND added greenery everywhere that made is look so bad...promise. :)

Seriously? You're trying to sell your house like THIS?!?!

You have to walk through a forest to get to the dining room!!

Who does this?

Thanks to Hooked on Houses for sharing!


  1. OH MY LORD. I thought you were crazy about where you wanted to put Ivy. That house is crazy.

  2. um, no thank you to both the stairs and the ivy.

  3. I bet the owners are SO proud of this plant. Ewwe, all I can think of is cobwebs. YUCK!


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