
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

a little sweetness...

Let's step away from my earlier rant to something a little sweeter...

Like Husby baking a cake for last weekends Murder Mystery Dessert Theater! :)

He made Carrot of his favorites! He did an excellent job, baking all on his own while I was at work! He iced the cake, but waited for me to help with adding the special touch...the carrot on top!

Here he is trying his hand at making the carrot...


Then he got brave enough to put it on the actual cake...


Here he is smiling with his beautiful creation...


The completed cake!


All in all, he did a great job and I am sure it tasted delicious...I am not a big carrot cake fan myself; but he did a excellent job if you ask me!!

Hey...I may even be lucky enough to have a beautifully decorated birthday cake this year! :)

*wink, wink*


  1. I wonder if he will make you a two-tier cake?!? That would be awesome!

  2. How proud of himself does he look! What a great job & it looks yummy too! I'm jealous - I want a bite :)

  3. That is so cool - my husband would die if I asked him to do anything like that!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)