
Monday, May 10, 2010

My head is spinning a little...

My Grandpa passed away last days have been a little cloudy since then...planning and researching how I will get out to Tennessee for the funeral. Husby can't make it with me...between the cost and's just not feasible. So, we finally booked our flight last night...Myself, Bek and Sarah (my sisters) will be flying out at the butt-crack of dawn on Wednesday morning...we will fly into Little Rock and drive the roughly two-and-a-half hours to Memphis. We saved about $200 doing this, instead of flying into Memphis. We booked our hotel room and our rental car last night was just alot of planning. I don't normally mind planning, in fact I LOVE to's just hard when you are planning for three people and trying to save as much money as you possibly can!!

I think we did pretty well though...$455 per person for Flight + Hotel + Car for Wednesday-Saturday.

It's going to be a long week...but even with the purpose behind this trip being that we are burying will be great to see everyone. My Cousins (Chris and Joy...Joy just got married, but they live in Australia), My Aunts and Uncles (One set lives in CA and the other in TN), we will get to see my other Grandparents (Dad's side). Haven't seen them in...gosh...9+ years??? I am sure we will see many other people that we don't know...but that know us. I am glad to know that Grandpa is in heaven with his sweetheart finally, and happy to know that we will see him again one day!

But for's funeral time. I will post some pictures later of honor him a bit more. He was a good, good man!

I will have my Hattie Pearl (laptop) with me this week, so I will try and post as often as I can, if you don't hear from me though...I may have fallen into a hole at Graceland, but don't worry...I am sure the King will take care of me!


  1. Mighty Good April, Mighty Good!

  2. :(April I am so sorry about your loss. I will be praying for you and your family.. love you all.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)