
Friday, June 25, 2010

Boston Trip - Day Three

So...Day early morning.

We were going Whale Watching!

How cute are we?

I was able to break off some cute pictures before we even left the Pier...I just knew I was going to get some great shots of whales...

...but THIS was the best that I got. Literally right before our ship had to turn around and head back we found a Humpback Whale...he did a couple dives for us, but no jumping out of the water like you see on TV. Oh boo.

AND it was FREEZING too. As we were headed back we snagged an indoor seat and the boys took a nappy-nap.

After storing up a little energy, Husby posed for some pictures. This was like the third try though, he was really sleepy and kept closing his eyes or laying his head on my shoulder! :)

This is how close the airport is to the water...the planes were landing like right next to us on the way back to the Pier!

Then we took an afternoon Trolley ride throughout Boston. We some some GREAT stuff...I have just way too many pictures of all that...

But we saw Cheers...

And one of the oldest Police department buildings, which is now an Irish Pub...

...I love this about can have all these old homes and historic churches...right next to sky scrapers and big brand new office buildings. It's a lovely blend of old and new!

Later that evening we walked over to the "Barking Crab" for dinner...(Don't mind the blurriness of the shot, still teaching Husby how to focus on the main subjects! heehee)

How was the food?? EXCELLENT...get a look at all of it...and that piece there at the bottom was my HUGE piece of fish!!! So yummy!

So, all in all, Day Three was a ton of fun!!! Stay tuned for Day Four...our Day at Fenway Pahk. :)

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