
Thursday, June 10, 2010


I wandered over to my Google Analytics page this morning. What I found was so sad. Although I knew it deep down, I could see the counter on my blog slowly stop counting up.

Since May visitor numbers have crashed!
I know it's cause I have been a super slacker blogger...but I am working on it. Can you see, I have already blogged twice today...this makes #3! :)

Check numbers from April 1st, thru June 10th. Recently, it has been way under 100 visitors a day...back on April 12th and May 3rd I was up over 200+ visitors daily!


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Here are February 1st thru April 1st's numbers...about the same. I started tracking using Google Analytics on February 15th.

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So. What can I do?
I did a poll, so I know what you want to see...more DIY & Home Improvement projects (but the budget has been on lock down as we are entering vacation season!), more pictures (which I am working on, especially seeing as how I am starting my own business, aePhotography) and more Police Stories (and just hearing the stories straight from the horses Husby's mouth is sometimes hard enough), so I am working on it!! I really am!

Anything else you wanna see?

1 comment:

  1. Don't change a thing!
    Remember that online readers are like seasons. Take my life for example. Working in academia, this campus is buzzing 3/4 of the year and dead the other 1/4. I am sure there are lots of other fields just like this one.

    Remember you have your readers that love you, the others will come :)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)