
Friday, July 02, 2010

Doggie Pool Day

So last week it was Hot, Hot, HOT around these parts. So I spent one afternoon out back and let the pups have a swim day...well Olive had a swim day at least...

She LOVES the water, I am sure you have heard me mention that many times in the past!

She has a method to her madenss...she takes one paw and raises it into the air...

She plops it hard down into the water and waits for the SPLASH...

Then...she attacks the SPLASH...snapping at it and barking at it!

All the while...Pickle watches from afar. He doesn't care much for water at all!!

He would occasionally wander over, licking his chops like the water action looked appealing...

...but then he would just wander away...

and then plop down in the sun to rest and watch Olive enjoy her own personal water-world!

"Hey! Pickle! Where'd ya go?!?! Don'tcha wanna play with me?!?!?!"

So, in an effort to get Pickle involved...I tried tossing the ball into the water...(fav picture of the day by the way!)

He missed the he carefully hops into the water...

...he locates the ball...

...then he quickly dunks his head under water to grab the ball...

...and he makes his quick escape!

All the while...Olive carries on with her...plop...splash...snap...bark routine!!

and I loved every single second of it!! :)


  1. :) i love all of these pictures, and those doggies ohh i miss them.
    They look really good:) The pictures.. not the dogs.. well the dogs too. hah.

  2. SOOOO cute! When I had my sweet doggie Otis, I used to get a doggie pool too. He would have a BLAST & would would watch every second.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)