
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a Gala event...

So Husby and I are attending our very first Gala event on October 14th for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

We are both terribly excited...especially seeing how Husby was on the planning committee for the event...oh la la...!! I am so proud of how hard he has worked to support this cause and to come up in this Organization to become an Ambassador, as well as a Liaison to his own Department; then he was asked to be on this planning's just all!!

There have been many firsts for him...conference calls with big-wigs and meetings about an event where the tickets cost upwards of $5,000+!!

There will be a first for me too...a formal evening gown...and NO wedding involved!!

bring on the "big girl" nerves!!

Now, I am just as much a girl as the next person...but I HATE clothes shopping. Normally because I don't tend to have much luck finding what I want.

So evening dress shopping...kinda makes me wanna wet myself. I have begun searching online and I will show you a few of my favorites that I have run across. Let's see what the masses think about my choices...

I LOVE this dress...although the $798 price tag is a bit out of my price range...I just think it is beautiful!!

This dress is probably my favorite right now...I love the layering...looks good for belly coverage and it gives me a semi-sleeve option...The price is decent too...$198.

I love the Grecian style of this must be popular this season, cause I am seeing it alot! Price is at $248...that's a little steep for what seems like a simple dress.

I LOVE this dress...well at least the bottom of the's filled with little it! Price is $238. I would need something more for the top though!

This is a very pretty dress as well...complete with rosettes too!! Price is $141...nice!

This is a decent dress with sleeve options...sort of :P Price is $218.

So...what are your thoughts? For those that know me...see anything that suits me?! This is going to be harder than I even thought! haha!

I know what I want too...I would love something black and white...with like the black over white lace the top...kinda like Ashley Green's dress in this post...We shall see what I find!!


  1. When little miss saw dress #2 she said... Aunt Ba. So I think she likes that one for you. And so do I. I also like the grecian one too though. It is very in right now.

  2. LOVE that first one but hold on a sec I just choked on the price. GAH! I also really like the second one, the top detail is really cool. Check out Nordstrom, they always have nice dresses fairly reasonable. I have also found a few at Macy's. Good luck, this is exciting!!! :)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)