
Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm Lovin It...

I haven't done a lovin' it post in fo-eva...and this sweet little baby was worth the wait. I will...I repeat. I making one of these babies.


I will.

Ok, how stinkin cute is this?!

So the cutie-pah-tootie Shelley over at House of Smiths which is really becoming one of my new favorite blogs to follow...she took this old window...

and I am really cutting down on the details here but...then she added some chicken wire and another wooden backer door...

Then she painted and added some wallpaper as a backer...

then added some hinges...'s like a door now...ahhhh!! Love it.

Added a little handle...

and then her little pictures with cute little baby clothes pins...

Then waaahhh-llaaaa!!! I mean...seriously how cute right?! And her too!!!

What do you think? What are you lovin' this week?


  1. I love all these great crafty super cute looking projects that people come up with... I just need someone to do it for me :)

  2. Super cute!! And I really like her entry way... very nice.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)