
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rugs, Rugs, RUGS!

I am officially in LOVE.

Absolutely in l o v e...LURVE!

So I LOVE Amy Butler Fabrics. They are so poppy and cute and artsy and pretty and...I adore them.

And now, she has gone and done it...created rugs to match some of her most popular prints. I'm kinda dying over here!

Of course, I will NEVER...and I repeat NEVER own one...because they START at $799. Uh yeah...Amy Butler...come on now...did you forget about the little guy?

Wanna see? Of course you do, who am I kidding?!?!

Be prepared.

Uh yeah. Gorg!!! Ok, I am off to go cry in the corner because I will never have one. kthxbai!


  1. Oh my gosh! They are amazing!!!

  2. Those are GORGEOUS!!! I so wish people priced things according to what I could pay & not based on what they want to make :)

  3. Where in the world did you fine these?! I want one this instant for my dining room!!!!!


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