
Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Months ago I got an idea after reading some other blogs to start a Ladies Only group at church, called Chicks in Aprons. The idea behind it would be a place for ladies, young and old to get together and grow and learn together. Sort of an I teach you, you teach me. My vision for it, is to see young girls getting to know and forming relationships with the older ladies in the church, and visa versa; while each teaching special skills that they know to the group. Like I can see it now...The older ladies teaching the younger ones how to bake a pie while the younger ladies teach the older ones how to make bracelets...whatever comes up...we all go into learning and growing together with an open heart!

Each month we will have a Host, who teaches the group something and does a short devotion. So the hope is that we will mix it up and have lots of fun stuff to learn and do together!

Anywho...after a few months of planning we had our first meeting last night.

It was a blasty blast! I am hosting the first two months while the ladies get the idea of how it will work and we learned how to make a No-Sew are a few pictures from the night.

Here was our preview of next month's project:

Here's Brittany deciding which way she will orient her pillowcase apron...

Here's my Mom...tongue hanging out, working on her that's concentration!

Cherie ironing on her ribbon...

Here's Brandy working on her apron, with some of the other ladies in the background...

Stephanie and Ashley working hard at the ironing table...where we quickly decided more than two irons were necessary! Ooops!

See? The line for the irons...oh well! At least the line was next to the snack area!! :)

Here's little seester Bek, showcasing her pretty apron!

Me, Bek and Mom! :)

Brandy (and another lady, Marie) both made second No-Sew Aprons for their little girlies! Too cute!

A great time was had by I really can't wait for October's Meeting!

1 comment:

  1. Those are all so cute! I want to know how to make... no sew, sounds like something I just might be able to do! :)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)