
Sunday, September 19, 2010

a Summer Garden Party

My friend B and I hosted a table at our yearly Ladies Tea, just like we did last year! This year our theme was "Summer Garden Party."

I love how the table turned out!! It was just cute, cute, cute!!!

Here's a big shot of the table...

...and some close-ups!!! We loved the lemons with the flowers!!!

...our little flower mats were a big hit, as were the cupcakes in a jar!

...these were their favors...cute little Lemonade mixes.

This was our side/food table.

And here's our table in the dark...with all the candles lite! I was so in love!

...more close ups with the mood all set :P I mean, how cute are the little vases with the little yellow flowers?!?!

Me and my Co-Host B...with our CAH-UTTEEE table!!

I think it was a big CUTE success...but we are TOTALLY taking a year off next year!! :P Check out the post coming up about how we designed our table!!
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  1. It looks so good in pictures too!!!! It was a lot of fun but a well deserved break is coming our way too!

  2. I LOVE IT! Why, oh, why can we not live in the same CITTTYYY!!!!

  3. That is the cutest table EVER!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)