
Friday, October 15, 2010

a little Gala fun...

Husby is involved with the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. as an Ambassador and a Liason between for his County. Last night we were invited to attend the Groundbreaking and Gala. It was a great chance to get all gussied up and meet lots of new people!

I loved the dressing up part!! :)

Me and my oh-so-handsome Husby...

They had some great artifacts to showcase. Many more of them will be showcased in the Museum that is now being built.

This call says "To: Daddy, wish you still could play." It was one of the artifacts left at the Memorial Wall during Police Week.

This old patrol car was actually used in the movie "Runaway" with Dean Cain.

 The Gala location was gorgeous...this was only about half of it!!

They had statues all the way up by the ceiling...we almost missed them.
and there was a huge fountain in the center...

I am so proud of all the hard work Husby has done for this organization! It shows his passion for the loss of fellow Officers and making sure that each one of their stories are heard.

We even got to meet Vincent D'Onofrio from Law & Order: Criminal Intent!!

How cool?!?!

Husby got to be a part of a video made by A&E Television, and shown at the Gala...awesome!

All in all, it was a great evening! And we meet some GREAT passionate people!! :)


  1. Your hair and dress looked absolutely amazing.

    t must be a great night and Vincent's hand on your shoulder...the ice on the cake.

  2. You looked great! Love your hair. How cool that your hubs gets to be involved in that. What a cool thing!!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)