
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

a Christmas-y things Tutorial & Giveaway

So remember this post when I said I was going to be making one of these sweeties?

Well...I did. Not the same colors, but close. My version. :)

And I loves it.

Here's how it went down!

I bought some small styrofoam balls and wrapped them in yarn...

Aren't they cute...!?

Then I started assembling them along with my brightly colored and glittery ornaments...

After assembling for a little bit, I realized I needed more yarn balls...geeesshhhhh...

There we go, assembly was done...

Did I mention I LOVES it?!

...a few close up's of the beauty! :)

SO...I figured with  my leftovers and a few other ornaments that I picked up from the dollar bin at Target...that I would whip  up a smaller version for a little Christmas LOVE Giveaway!

Aren't you excited?! Here it is...

*Isn't Husby's arm so cute?!*

Well, it's up for grabs!!! And there are TWO ways to enter the giveaway!

#1 - Post about this giveaway on your Blog OR Facebook. (Leave me a comment telling me you did, and link to your post)
#2 - Leave me a separate comment telling me about your favorite Christmas memory!

This giveaway will end at midnight on Saturday,  December 4th. So be sure to get your entries in soon!!


  1. I shared your giveaway on my FB, BB.

  2. My favorite Christmas memory is taking Bennet to see Santa for the first time. So cute. : )

    Your wreath is very pretty, by the way!

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    My christmas memory, it's more of a blessing...last year was my first christmas without my Mom, my Uncle Jimmy "made" me put up my Mom's christmas tree...I didn't want to but he said there's a reason he was "making" me do it. A few days later he gave me my new favorite tree ornament. It's a "In Memory of" ornament with a picture of my Mom in it. I can honestly say that this is my fave memory because although Ive always known my Uncle loves me...that first Christmas without my Mom showed me just how much he loves me, enough to teach me that it's ok to be sad at this time of year but my Mom would want me to celebrate the reason for the season. He made Christmas ok to celebrate and not hide from which is what I wanted to do.

    Becky Wilson

  4. My goodness I love this wreath!!! I am never happy with the wreaths I see out there. This is definitely my style!!

    My favorite Christmas memory would have to be my entire family getting together on Christmas Eve and making/eating Chinese food. Then on christmas day my dad makes a huge breakfast of omelets and other delectables. Then we open presents one by one very slowly instead of ripping into them. Also the night before we all act out the nativity from the Bible with all the little kids acting out the parts.

    I guess that is more than one memory. . .

  5. One of my favorite Christmas memories was last Christmas Eve we were getting home around 9 and couldn't find any store that was open so that we could get something to eat. We literally had nothing in our house because we were leaving the next day. So our neighborhood Chinese joint was still open and we opened gifts and ate Chinese on Christmas eve and LOVED it!!!

  6. I posted this on Facebook!!!!!!!

  7. The reef is beautiful. I do not have FB, I only have my blog. I will list you on my sidebar.
    Please do not enter me in though, I would like for others to have more chances to win.

  8. One of my favorite Christmas Memories, is when my Dad used to drive Santa around on the Fire Truck every Christmas Eve. And when Adam was 2, he was soooo excited that HIS Pop was one of "Santa's Helpers". It was priceless, and Adam didn't even care that Santa was there, just his Pop.

  9. Hi April! I posted about your giveaway on my Facebook page. :)
    How Exciting!!/

  10. My favorite Christmas memory has always been at my grandmothers house. She would always hide a pickle ornament in her tree. On Christmas eve we would go over to her house for dinner, and to open a Christmas eve gift, and the first person to find the pickle would get an extra gift! I never ever found the pickle first until this past Christmas. Now that I am married... I am going to pass that tradition on to my own family.

  11. Oh April could I ever be as super-dee-duper crafty like you?? Your Wreath (all projects) are fab!!!!!

    My favorite Christmas memory is one we started 6 years ago. Husband and I get creative Christmas Eve and try to come up with cute ideas as to what Santa's thank you card for his cookies is going to say. Previous cards consists of Rudolph chewing some of the card (= & Reindeer tinkle accidents (; ( I know completely random but the girls chuckled all day about it). So every year we try to out do ourselves. I still have my thinking cap on about this years! hehe!

    Also I shared your post on my FB page!


  13. Sooooo cute... You dun good! My favorite Christmas memory is seeing the look on my girls faces when they come running down the hall & see the gift Santa left them. It keeps getting better each year. yay!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)