
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Coffee Filters...who knew?!

Who knew coffee filters could be so stylish?!?! Certainly not me! But I am lovin' these babies...

Look at this hugemongous giant puff...It's gorg...I may not have made it so large but it's truly a statement piece...and completely made of coffee filters!

Then there is this pretty white makes me wanna hug looks so soft!

And ya can make it in brown too!!

Wanna snaz it up even more? Paint the edges...I know right?!!?!

They are all really, really great ideas!! I am thinking of trying one. I know, I say that all the time. One day I will get to all these crafty things I want to do!! :)

Oh...and don't wanna make one? Yeah, you can buy them too...check out these Etsy shops!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are gorgeous. Do you follow Vivenne? She did these awesome roses with coffee filters. Pretty amazing. Here is her link to it.


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