
Monday, November 08, 2010

What's going on?

So remember about a week or so ago I said I was about to get stupid busy? Well maybe I didn't say it like that...but I am realizing that's the truth of it now! :P

So...allow me to show you what's been up via pictures...

We finally painted our Master Bedroom and got new lovely, luxurious, soft, almost bed-like carpet in all the bedrooms...

We got all gussied up and went to our first Gala! :P So proud of Husby!

I dressed up like a cloud.... :)

And then we have all the photoshoots...

Sweet little baby boys...

Adorable families...

Oh and sweet little baby girls...

and the Newly Engaged...

and Momma's and Daughters...

So yes, for reals...I have been busy. But I am lovin' every...single...minute of it.

Sprinkled in there I have started walking again, we have started up a small group with some great friends, I am trying to refinish and reupholster a chair and a bench, and I've been hanging out with some great ladies in 'Aprons', Husby and I are enjoying seeing a counselor again...(more on that in the next post) and spending as much time as I can with Husby.

It's been a wild ride that isn't slowing anytime soon...

This week, I see Jane (our counselor) tonight, then we have Small Group...tomorrow I have a photoshoot with my Nieces and Nephew, then Wednesday is my night off :), Thursday is packing and laundry and Friday-Sunday we head out to River Valley Ranch for our 3rd Annual High School Fall Retreat with the Verbies...which I am terribly excited about! Gosh...then don't even get me started on NEXT's a hint for the craziness to ensue...that weekend of 19th-20th...I have 4 photoshoots. :P

But God is blessing us big time and we are just sitting back and soaking it all in! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are one busy lady!!! LOVE all the photo shoots, especially that chunky sweet little baby boy! The first picture of hubs on the carpet made me laugh... so something I would do too :)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)