
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Martha Stewart Show - I was on TV!

So long story short...on a whim one day I went and requested tickets to the Martha Stewart Show online...and well low and behold I got them! I got so giddy and called my girl Britt and told her the good news! "Don't schedule anything on December 8th! We are going to NYC for the day to see MARTHA!"

It's not like either of us are CRAZY Martha fans, but we are crafty and we love NYC and who doesn't wanna be on TV!?!?!

So we got up BEFORE the butt-crack of dawn and drove to the city...

We walked around a bit and froze our tails off waiting in line for an hour-and-a-half...

This is when we were first in line and REALLY excited...that excitement waned a little bit as we began to freeze...

Then we finally made it inside, and wouldn't you know we were #'s 19 & 20 when it was all said and done...we missed being the 1-15 that got to sit on the floor, but as you will see from photos later, those weren't the best seats in the house...

This is Joey...the "Warm-Up Guy." He did his job well and was a hoot! This is Joey telling us wink, wink about all our giveaways!!! YIPPEEEE FREE STUFF!!

Then it was show time and we got hustled upstairs and into the studio!

All of Martha's crew was hustling and bustling around doing pre-shoots and stills and working on the lighting, etc. The studio was very nice...

There were screens for us to watch the show on and lights hanging from EVERYWHERE...

Then, we had to put the camera away for the show taping...We got to see Lucy Liu, and how to make Persimmon Pudding, and Leather Bracelets and Photo Ornaments and Gift Tags and how to make Tuna Tar-Tar...we got a pudding steamer bundt pan, a cookbook (gigantor) and some preserves all for FREE :) Yeah for giveaways!

Then after the show as question and answer time...and here's MARTHA...

We had such a blast being there!!

And just check out Martha...those heels!!! She rocked them like a champ!

So that's it...that was our day at the Martha Stewart Show...and BOY what a blast it was!! You should totally go request tickets, it's much easier than you think!! We are going to try and go again next year too!!

1 comment:

Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)