
Monday, December 13, 2010

Patterned Clipboards - A new way to decor...

I ran across these a while back. I've seen it done before...but these just caught my eye. What a great idea! I think I am going to whip some up for my soon to be completed (and when I say soon to be complete, I mean like maybe in the next 6 months!! More details on that later!) Craft/Photo Studio.
I think they would make a great way to showcase some of my favorite photos, or ideas for crafts, fabric scraps...oh ANYTHING! Check out the photos and tutorials!

All images taken from Let's Make it Ours.


Love it!

1 comment:

  1. Um, yes. Yes, yes, yes.
    Chickie Crafts needs these.
    Too cute, thanks for sharing!


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